The Disruptor Faces Disruption (W17722)
June 24, 2021
reading response (at least 500 words not include questions)please do not plagiarism and do not include personal opinion! use your own words!!!!
June 24, 2021

Chicano Studies

This should be no less than 250 words and no more than 350 words.

1) Watch the documentary “Taking Back the Schools.” You can view this documentary on YouTube at the following link:

2) identify a thesis Ian Haney Lopez’s, Racism on Trial (Chapters 1-3, 7-9) and for Heart of the Mission (Ch. 3-4)

3) identify a thesis for “Taking Back the Schools.”

4) Describe the connection between Heart of the Mission, Racism on Trial, and the documentary, Taking Back the Schools.

This post should be developed in your own words. You do not need to develop an MLA format bibliography but if you do cite any content, use MLA’s in-text parenthetical citation format.

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