Testing for Multiple Regression
April 9, 2021
Kabuki cool
April 9, 2021

Your opinion

Read each paragraph and give me your opinion if you agree or disagree on


The videos that I picked was Boys Tossing a Ball and School Children in Classroom. In the Boys tossing the ball video shows two boys throwing the ball back and forth to each other. The children in the school classroom video was playing together with each other using play kitchen toys and play dough. They seem to be making play food. The children in the classroom setting are representing the symbolic stage. Children in this stage of play use objects to represent other people. These children was using play dough to make pretend food for the kitchen.The boys through the ball are in the Associate stage of play. They are outside playing with the ball without any specific rules or instructions.

The School Children in Classroom, these children are in the preoperational stage. This is apart of Piaget Theory Stage. This stage breaks down childrens’ development within 2-7 years of age the most obvious change is an extraordinary increase in representational, or symbolic activity (Berk,2018). Here the kids are mimicking real life situations as they have seen from an adult. The boys are also in this same stage of cognitive development.


The first clip I watched was “LS of baby playing with telephone”. The stage of play in this video is solitary, because the child was content playing alone. The cognitive development stage is the sensorimotor stage. According to Berk (2018), Piaget believed that using their hands, eyes, and ears is the way infants “think”; as well as using other sensorimotor equipment. I observed the infant in this clip, playing with the phone and using its hands to play. The psychosocial stage that the infant is in is called basic trust versus mistrust. This stage happens from birth to 1 years of age and is a part of Erikson’s psychosocial stage. In this clip you can tell the infant has a sense of trust while it happily plays (Berk, 2018). The theories explain how the children develop their motor skills as well as how warm responsive care allows them to gain trust that the world is a good place (Berk, 2018).

The 2nd clip I watched was “two boys playing in the sand”. The stage of play for this clip was a parallel stage of play because the children are not interacting with each other as they play. The cognitive development of stage of these two boy is preoperational stage which happens between the ages 2-7 years old. According to Piaget’s stage of cognitive development, this is the stage where language and make believe develop (Berk, 2018). Erickson’s psychosocial development called autonomy versus shame and doubt, is the stage of development for this clip. The boys are given reasonable free choice to play as they will (Berk, 2018). These theories show the stages in which each child develops at each particular stage in life as they age.


The research article I have chosen is based upon Chinese children and how they are so successful, which according to Gwen Dewar is because of the way there parents are raising them (2011). The mothers of Chinese culture raise children to become more advance in education as well as to go further with their education because they demand more discipline and require more from their children (Dewar 2011). They spend more time encouraging their children to study and excel more than a lenient western cultured mother (Dewar 2011). The parenting style most commonly used by the Chinese is the authoritative parenting where it is more demands by the parents and they do not really ask for the opinions of the child. Western culture this is less common way of parenting, as parents are very lenient and do ask for the opinions of their children. Dewar explains that the parent is more likely to use threats to get them to achieve accomplishments for example no birthdays or missing out on lunch or dinner (2011). I can imagine this would have negative impact on the parent-child relationship as they are younger but when they are older the children would appreciate all the skills they have obtained from their parents. The parents believe that by providing with this lifestyle and way of parenting it is preparing them for their future, giving them good life habits and life skills (Dewar 2011).


The research article I chose to summarize is Intercultural Parenting in Australia: Managing Cultural Differences. The research used a qualitative and social constructionist method to look at the cultural differences in intercultural parenting and how parents worked together to parent through the cultural differences. (Bhugun, 2017) Interviews were done with 14 (28 individuals) intercultural parents and the data was analyzed using thematic analysis. Some of the questions asked were: what are the experiences of intercultural couples in parenting their children? how do intercultural parents negotiate cultural differences? and what are the positive experiences of intercultural parenting? (Bhugun, 2017)

The results of the study found that cultural differences included discipline, sleep patterns, cultural taboos and medical practices, the child social skills, education, language and communication, and the role of the child and extended family. One of the biggest cultural differences appeared to be the sleep patterns, such as whether the baby sleeps with parents and/or in the same room. Breastfeeding was also a major issue between cultures, while one culture believes this is the only way to feed a baby others do not. Also, some cultures have particular medical practices they follow. For instance, during this study they found that one husband felt that their baby was to be washed in herbal medicine after birth while the mother didn’t understand why.

One statement made by Bhugun, “All the participants explained that there are certain issues that can never be resolved and the best strategy to survive them is flexibility and tolerance.” (Bhugun, 2017) This study showed a lot of differences between cultures, and I can imagine how hard it is to parent together with two different beliefs. If you are to have a child with someone of a different culture, it’s important to lay out each other’s beliefs first and decide how together it will best benefit the child while meeting the parents’ wishes as well.

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