Please respond to the following World View Chart Assignments REL 212 Week 10 World Religions
May 24, 2021
Electrical wiring power
May 24, 2021

Would you agree?

please answer the follow up question (bolden) to the attached essay. Answer does not need to be more than a couple of paragraphs.

You claim at the end of this essay that, in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, “[a]spects of religion are exploited to depict their influence on humans and how we act, and values we uphold are codes that can control us and be influenced.” This idea of religion as a means of social control seems to go all the way back to the Sayer of the Law scenes in The Island of Doctor Moreau. And nowadays we have the Handmaid’s Tale — in the form of Margaret Atwood’s original 1985 novel, the 1990 film, and the current TV series — which depicts a tightly controlled fundamentalist Christian dystopia.

I would say that most Science Fiction, if it deals with religion at all, depicts it in a pretty negative light. Would you agree? If so, why do you think this is the case? And can you think of any examples of Science Fiction that shows religion in a positive light?

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