April 8, 2021
U.S Constitution
April 8, 2021

World war 1

Your paper should be typed, double-spaced (no extra spacing between paragraphs), and at least 500 words long. You have to use at least one academic secondary source in addition to your primary source. This means a legit, scholarly article, NOT dictionary.com or Wikipedia and for the love of all that’s holy, not Sparknotes. Opinion pieces, blogs, and non-scholarly websites do not count as academic sources. Use academic journal articles (see “databases” on the library website), books or book chapters, legitimate academic sites, etc.

Use brief quotes from both primary and secondary sources to support your thesis. You must document your sources in the MLA style. You may not recycle works submitted in other classes. You may not use any fact, quotation, or idea from any other source without EXPLICITLY documenting it. Failure to properly document sources is plagiarism.

Possible Paper 3 topics include but are NOT limited to:

The contrast between Georgian poetry and WWI poetry.

Rubert Brooke as Pastoral poet.

Englishness in the poetry of Robert Graves.

“Keatsian Romanticism” in Wilfred Owen.

Protest in Siegfried Sassoon.

Imperialism in Heart of Darkness.

Images of normalcy in WWI poetry.

Imperialism in “Shooting an Elephant.”

Colonialism in Coetze and/or other post-colonial writers.

Removal of culture in Thiong’o.

Cultural influences on Tolkien’s The Hobbit.

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