word-picture (about 100 words)

Analysis Of A Pertinent Healthcare Issue
March 4, 2021
Strategic Management 1
March 4, 2021

word-picture (about 100 words)

  Exercise #1: The “Word-Picture”

Your recent work in reading essays should have demonstrated to you the importance of a reading process that is active, and it should have reaffirmed the rigorous demands of good, clean writing. In this next writing sequence, you will extend the active reading process to a different kind of text: a visual object such as a painting, a sculpture, or a photograph that represents one of the themes that you observe.  You can discover this visual object from your life, your readings, and even your viewings of media, but it must have meaning to you.


â–ºCreate a wordpicture of a visual object so that readers can see the object through your words. Select a visual object such as a painting, a sculpture, or a photograph that interests you or triggers a strong response within you.  (Choose carefully – you will be working with this art object for the next month.)  Describe only what you perceive so that others who do not have access to the object can see it too; that is, do not mention names and historical dates.


Manuscript Notes: Try to keep your word-picture as short as possible (about 100 words) without sacrificing precision; produce something more evocative than a laundry list of features.


 you should describe a picture  without say the name of things that you describe.and sent me the picture and it should related to V for Vendetta. 




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