Woodrow Wilson, from The New Freedom (1913) Eugene V. Debs, “The Outlook for Socialism in the United States” (1900) Herbert Croly, Progressive…

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Be sure to include information about domain, intercepts, asymptotes, relative extreme poins and inflection ploints. also include information about concavity…
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Woodrow Wilson, from The New Freedom (1913) Eugene V. Debs, “The Outlook for Socialism in the United States” (1900) Herbert Croly, Progressive…

Woodrow Wilson, from The New Freedom (1913) Eugene V. Debs, “The Outlook for Socialism in the United States” (1900) Herbert Croly, Progressive Democracy (1914) Theodore Roosevelt, from The New Nationalism (1910) Compare these views on America and its desired future. Rate these authors by the radicalism expressed in these documents. What common themes do they share? Where are they significantly different? Which vision is the closest to the way America developed over the next several decades?
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