capstone assignment
August 12, 2021
Help with Math!!
August 12, 2021

wk 3 discussion

Select and READ one of the following case studies (located in your textbook):CASE 4-1  WALMART’S EVERYDAY HIRING STRATEGY: FUELING FUTURE CONSUMER DEMAND WITH PASSION AND TALENTCASE 4-2  GAUGING EMPLOYMENT AT HONEYWELLCASE 5-1 HERE A GM, THERE A GM, EVERYWHERE A GM (OR SO THEY THOUGHT!)CASE 5-2 TRYING TO BUILD WHEN NOBODY WANTS TO WORKCASE 6-1 A KINK IN LINKS OF LONDON’S SELECTION PROCESSCASE 6-2 NOT GETTING FACE TIME AT FACEBOOK—AND GETTING THE LAST LAUGH!Next, without getting too wordy,  provide at minimum a 3-4 sentence overview on what the case is about.  Then, make a recommendation for improvement for any situation of your  choosing in the case.NOTES:You may only have no more than two references for your response and each must be appropriately cited in the words.

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