
Develop a Self-Care Plan
May 3, 2021
write an essay on Detroit and municipal bankruptcy
May 3, 2021


Read the Article below and answer the question in a essay. At least one page.

Before reading further, or accessing other posts, please take the following quiz (just on your own). Who do you think would be more likely to have higher self-esteem: Gandhi or Hitler? Columbine High School’s 1999 valedictorian or the two Columbine students who, that April, killed a teacher, 12 fellow students, and then themselves? Albert Einstein or Adolph Eichmann?

Previous students have been known to comment that my DBs encourage them to think outside the box. While appreciative of the supportive sentiment, I always reply by suggesting that in order for thinking outside the box to be productive, you have to know what is inside the box. Fortunately, since the traditional, inside-the-box thinking about self-esteem is virtually universal and very well known, this week’s discussion should prove to be a good one.

To get us started, please read (very carefully) the Rosemond summary article, “A Different Take on Self-Esteem” that I have posted in Pages. Do you agree or disagree with the author’s perspective? Why or why not? Additional Comments? Personal experiences?

Note: Meeting the Tuesday deadline for submitting the initial/original posts will be especially important again this week.

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