What foods could you eat more – or less – of to move closer to goal for carbohydrate

May 25, 2021
Write an opening statement that describes a policy approach for a presidential candidate.
May 25, 2021

What foods could you eat more – or less – of to move closer to goal for carbohydrate

Part 2: Food, Physical Activity, & Lifestyle Project: Dietary Analysis Questions (50 points total)

Below is the list of questions that should be answered to receive full credit. Please save them onto your hard drive and submit them electronically via “Assignments”.

Please answer ALL PARTS of each question. (This is where students lose the most points.)

Please provide specific examples in terms of food, if the question asks. That’s the point of this assignment – to have students look up food sources of nutrients.

Please avoid comments like “I will reduce my fat intake by watching my intake of fatty foods” – I want you to look up which foods you’re eating that contribute to your fat intake.


1. a. (5 points) Do you feel that the three days are typical of how you tend to eat most of the time? If not, why not? (For example, were you sick, stressed, on vacation, etc).

b. Did your eating habits change from your normal intake during the 3 days that your recorded your food intake? (People tend to eat healthier as a result of recording their intake).

Please be specific; do not just say “I ate healthier these 3 days”.

2.a. (15 points) Using the “MyPlate Checklist”, do you need to improve your intake in certain food groups to move closer to the target goals? If so, which groups and what foods would you add?

(Please give specific examples and details; do not just say “eat more vegetables”.

A better way: “My target goals are to eat 3 cups vegetables/day. I ate no vegetables; I can add a spinach salad with red bell peppers to my dinners 2 nights/week”.

Please address each food group that varies from recommendations (e.g. Fruits, Vegetable, Protein Foods, Grains and Dairy.) Even if you do not plan to make changes in an area, please address why or why not, and how else you obtain the nutrients in that category).



Protein Foods:



3. (20 points) Look at the following “Reports”:

1. Macronutrients

· Minerals

· Vitamins

· Exercise

A. For “Macronutrients”, how does your intake of :

“Protein Consumed” compare to Daily Goal (red line)?

What foods could you eat more – or less – of to move closer to goal for protein?

“Carbohydrate Consumed” compare to Daily Goal?

What foods could you eat more – or less – of to move closer to goal for carbohydrate?

“Fat Consumed” compare to Daily Goal?

What foods could you eat more – or less – of to move closer to goal for fat?

B. For “Minerals”, how does your intake of:

“Potassium Consumed” compare to Daily Goal (red line)?

What foods could you eat more – or less – of to move closer to goal for potassium?

“Calcium Consumed” compare to Daily Goal?

What foods could you eat more – or less – of to move closer to goal for calcium?

“Iron Consumed” compare to Daily Goal?

What foods could you eat more – or less – of to move closer to goal for fat?

C. For “Vitamins”, how does your intake of:

“Vitamin A Consumed” compare to “Daily Goal (red line)?

What foods could you eat more – or less – of to move closer to goal for Vitamin A?

“Vitamin C Consumed” compare to “Daily Goal (red line)?

What foods could you eat more – or less – of to move closer to goal for Vitamin C?

D. Take a look at your “Exercise Minutes” and “Calories Burned” Reports.

How does your Exercise compare to your personal daily/weekly goals?

What more could you do to move closer to your personal goals?

4. (5 points) I would like you to visit the following website for a variation of a healthy eating plate: Harvard’s Healthy Eating Plate

a. Please describe 2-3 similarities between the MyPlate and the Harvard’s Healthy Eating Plate, as well as 2-3 differences.

b. Do you prefer one over the other, and if so, why?

5. (5 points) What do you think you will do with the information from this assignment? What did you learn? Were you surprised at any of the results? What does all of this mean in terms of food? Please give a detailed explanations and specific examples.

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