this essay is about the Humanistic Approach.

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this essay is about the Humanistic Approach.

this essay is about the Humanistic Approach.

AFP Checklist

Have you done all of the following:

Does your paper (it should be double spaced) meet the minimum length? Cover page and references do not count toward minimum length, nor do figures or tables. You do not need an abstract. The body of our paper must be a minimum of 2500 words.

Did you include all of the sections? (it can be very helpful to label these). You will receive an automatic deduction of 20% for any missing sections.

Did you cover each area in depth? Here are some suggest lengths for each section:

Intro (.5-1)

Theoretical approach (1-2 pages)

Major theorists (approx 1-2 page each x 4)

Compare & Contrast (approx 1 page)

Standardized measures appropriate to theory (e.g. MMPI, Rorschach, TAT, various behavioral checklists, Beck Depression Inventory, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 16 PF, NEO-PI etc), make sure to include creators, population for whom it is frequently used, reliability and validity information (approximately 1 page each x2)

Clinical Applications (1-2 pages)

Conclusion (.5-1 page)

Did you include at least 4 theorists and at least 2 measures? Did you receive approval for your measures?

Did you review feedback provided by professor about your measures and sources?

Does your paper include an introduction and a conclusion?

Suggested focus per section (it is helpful to label your sections):

Intro: .5-1 pages

  1. Theoretical perspective of the approach: 1 pages
  2. Theorists who have contributed to this approach 4 pages (1 page each x 4 theorists)
  3. Compare and contrast two theorists perspectives within this approach: 1 page
  4. Identify and describe measurement and assessment instruments: 2 pages (1 page each)
  5. Clinical application of the approach (how would a therapist use this type of page with various patients): 1 page

Conclusion: .5-1

Did you use a formal style appropriate for a scholarly paper? Did you consistently use third person? (you can not use first person-I or we-or second person-you).

Did you proofread for typos, sentence structure, grammar, etc. ? This counts significantly toward your grade and the AFP will be graded much more strictly than the minipaper.

Did you utilize at least 10 scholarly sources (if you are having trouble locating enough, make sure to contact the Library staff vis the Resources section on the tool bar)? Make sure you did not include any textbooks, course materials, or UMUC modules. Do not use McLeod, Boeree, SimplyPsychology, etc.!

Did you use appropriate APA style? Are all of your in-text citations included in your Reference section and vice-versa?

You must both paste into the window PLUS attach an appropriately-titled file. This is very important–I have now had two students within the past year who I had to give a 0 on the AFP because I could not open their attachment and they did not respond to my attempts to contact them.

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  • _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Applied Final Project
  • Topic Paper: Students are to choose one of the below personality approaches and provide a 10-15 page paper (body of the paper should be a minimum of 3000 words) addressing the following:
    1. Theoretical perspective of the approach
    2. Theorists who have contributed to this approach
    3. Compare and contrast two theorists perspectives within this approach
    4. Identify and describe measurement and assessment instruments
    5. Clinical application of the approach

    If any of the sections above are missing from the paper, the grade will be reduced by at least 20 points.The paper must comply with APA Publication Manual guidance. Choose one of these personality approaches:

    • Trait
    • Biological
    • Psychoanalytical
    • Humanistic
    • Behavioral
    • Cognitive

    Note: You must include a minimum of 10 scholarly resources in your paper. Dictionaries, encyclopediae, and websites are not acceptable sources and should not be included. Students should use the UMUC library resources to search for appropriate scholarly articles and books. If you have a question about the appropriateness of a specific source, please ask your professor. You may not use any figures, tables, or illustrations unless you created them yourself. This is a formal written assignment and must be written in the third person.

    Rubric for Topic Paper
    5 4 3 2 1 0
    1. All topics were discussed in clear detail
    2. Assertions supported correctly
    3. Ideas were interrelated coherently and logically
    4. Author creatively enhances the topic
    5. An introduction previews main points of reflection
    6. Body of paper develops and elaborates main ideas
    7. A conclusion summarizes main points
    8. Paper free of mechanical errors (e.g., misspellings, typos, etc.)
    9. Paper grammatically sound (proper sentence structure)
    10. Citations and references in proper APA style
    Points to beAwarded Behaviors Demonstrated
    5 paper contains no errors in this area
    4 paper contains limited errors in this area; however, the overall presentation of the material is readable and appropriate
    3 paper contains limited errors in this area; however, the overall presentation of the material is difficult to read
    2 paper contains a number of errors in this area; however, the overall presentation is acceptable
    1 paper contains a number of errors in this area, and the overall presentation is difficult to read
    0 paper contains numerous errors in this area, which detracts from the overall presentation
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