Student replies-Cognitive therapies

What is your definition of nursing?
March 26, 2021
2-3 pages of sociological reflection
March 26, 2021

Student replies-Cognitive therapies

Your responses to others should be at least 100 words in length and substantive. Refer to your Discussion Board Rubric in Course Resources for specific grading explanation.

Student one


Unit 8 Discussion

Angela feels like a failure because while seeking a job in advertisement she has not gotten the job she wants. Angela is using a filtering system in which she is completely ignoring the greatness of graduating college. She is also demonstrating a black and white polarized way of thinking she thinks there is no way she will ever get a job. Angela is jumping to conclusions about receiving a job and has no real proof that she won’t get one. She is using a distortion way of looking at the situation called catastrophizing she is minimizing the important things such as good health and that she was able to graduate. She is maximizing the fact that she did not get a job that she expected to. Angela feels that she should have gotten the job and feels unfairness and that her should could have gotten met. The result of her thinking has led her to have emotional reasoning and having feelings of worthlessness. I am hoping that Angela receives Cognitive therapy before she starts to believe in a global labelling way about herself. The video didn’t say anything about it but I am guessing that Angela might have had a Heavens Reward fallacy I think this because of the hard work that I assume she put in to graduate and the expectation for the reward right after. Angela might benefit from the ABC technic. The technic helps her realize her own thoughts and how negative they are. She then becomes more open in areas where she can view the positive things in her life. Other technics could be used such as journaling. Unraveling cognitive distortions are the main key to Angela’s success in changing the way she thinks and feels. I recommend Cognitive Reconstructing. Looking at Angela’s situation from a bystander seems obvious. I have used a negative way of thinking myself “Who hasn’t?” I have enjoyed reading and learning about how to put it into perspective. The tools from this lesson alone will help my future clients grow and understand.


Copyright 2018 Positive Psychology Program B.V

Student 2


One primary assumption of Cognitive therapy is the way individuals perceive events or situation will determine how they respond (Pomerantz, 2014). Another assumption of cognitive therapy is it takes irrational thoughts and replaces them with more adaptive thoughts to improve mood and behavior (Pomerantz, 2014). Cognitive treatment replaces irrational thoughts and beliefs with a more rational approach, therefore, improving one’s perception of events.

Angela is exemplifying cognitive distortions of catastrophizing thinking she will “never get a job” and personalization because she feels it is a result of a “personal flaw” and she is “worthless.” She is also exemplifying mind reading by assuming that she knows what others are thinking.

Dr. Collins best approach to alleviate Angela’s anxiety would be through the use of Metacognitive Therapy. In this approach, the activating event is cognition itself (Pomerantz, 2014). Overwhelming thoughts of worry heighten her anxiety. This irrational thinking is referred to as cognitive attentional syndrome (CAS) and is described by Angela’s unhappy thoughts and negative worry that she will never find a job.

Activating Agent

Looking for a job in the marketing field.


“I will never find a job.” “I must have some personal flaw.” “I am worthless.”




“The right job will come along, and, I will be ready.” Who says that not finding a job immediately after graduation defines who you are as an employee?”

Effective new belief

“I will get a job in time because I know what assets I can bring to the table.”

Behavioral therapy assumes that behaviors are the problem and has nothing to do with personality or cognition (Pomerantz, 2014). Treatment using behavioral approach would focus on changing behavior that causes anxiety versus the thought process. Angela may receive assertiveness training to face her interpersonal fear of never finding a job. She would role play during therapy sessions with Dr. Collins, and he could provide constructive feedback as well as teaching effective body language that would improve chances of getting a job.


Pomerantz, A. (2014). Clinical Psychology, 2nd Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

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