Some discussion questions are in description. They are about “business ethics”

Unit 9 Discussion 1
April 16, 2021
Social Problem Analytic Framework: Urbanization paper
April 16, 2021

Some discussion questions are in description. They are about “business ethics”

Each question only needs 200 words.

1. I Was a Warehouse Wageslave Discussion

We tend to think of sweatshops as a issue abroad. Too what extent do these condition exist within and because of our own US economy? Do these working conditions desc described in I Was a Warehouse Wageslave violate Kantian principles? What causes these conditions? Do you cause these harms when you purchase from Amazon? Should these conditions be allowed to continue?

2.Should the primary objective of business leaders be to reduce suffering in the world or to otherwise improve the “Triple Bottom Line” and advance the interest of all stakeholders (not just shareholders)? Or, as Friedman argues, should businesses simply seek to maximize profits?

3. Inequality Monopoly

Is this a more realistic simulation of competition within capitalism than the standard monopoly rules?

What would make it more relatistic?

Is this arrangement fair?

How did it feel to be poor? How did it feel to be rich?

What sorts of changes to the rules would make the game more fair if players begin with different amounts of wealth?

How do the standard rules of Monopoly reflect the libertarian capitalist view of the world?

Is the game realistic according to how libertarian capitalists understand the world?

What would make it more realistic?

What is the ultimate objective of Monopoly? What is the ultimate objective of capitalism?

If you find Monopoly annoying or boring you don’t have to play. What if you don’t like capitalism—can you just opt out?

Why are people so uncomfortable talking about this stuff?

4. Negative Rights and Free Markets. Is capitalism ethical?

5. 2008 Financial Crisis Case Study: Libertarianism and Regulating Ethics?

After watching Inside Job and listening to The Giant Pool of Money discuss the following: To what extent did lies cause the financial crisis of 2008? Who lied, and about what? Were they wrong to tell these lies? What other Ethical principles were violated? To what extent, if any, must the government regulate the ethics of the business community? How should those most responsible for the crisis be punished?

6. Marx and Economic Determinism

Is Marx right that economic forces drive history and determine pretty much everything about the world? Is there anything that isn’t determined by market forces?

7. Do you FEEL rich?

After do the various exercises, most of you will find that you are in the top few percent of the world’s wealthiest people. Do you feel rich? If not, why not? How much would you need to really feel rich? How much would you need to make to feel wealthy? How much would you need to feel happy?

Imagine yourself at 43 (my age): how much do you want to be making? Is that a stupid question?

8. The Root of All Evil? Money and the Business Personality

Piff claims that money tends to make us jerky. The Corporation claims that if corporations were people, they would be ruthless sociopaths. Is this an unfair characterization given the many benefits of corporations? Can one be an ethical person within such organizations? Who is more right about money: Marx or Rand?

9. Race, Class, and Privledge

Do you enjoy privileges because you are white, male, or in the top few percent of the world’s wealthiest people? How exactly do they benefit you in terms of wealth and money making? Do you deserve these privileges? If not, how do you justify them? How do you conduct yourself ethically in light of this situation?

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