Social Science  Military government in Burma
May 10, 2023
Social Science  can you do in text citation?
May 10, 2023

Social Science  social work policy class

This assignment provides the student with an opportunity to present two opposing viewpoints of a social  problem or social policy. The student may utilize the database – Opposing Viewpoints, to analyze the  pros and cons of a social policy, social problem issue, which has been articulated in the Grand  Challenges Initiative. Once the student has chosen a social policy and social problem, they must  research two social work and/or social science scholarly sources that supports a ‘pro’ position, and two  social work and/or social science scholarly sources that supports a ‘con’ position. Based upon the  presented discussion, the student must show why they have chosen a position and at least documented  reasons for best practices. This paper should be at least 5 pages. Please proofread more than once. The  analysis must be double space and typed; include a cover page. Use block-quotes when necessary. You must use 7 APA both within-text citations and reference cited page. The reader should be able to discern  your editorial comments and researched info.  Also needs a title page, abstract and headings.

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