Social Science  Discussion post (Please do the assignment as a discussion post and used attach references)

Social Science  questinos are in decription
May 17, 2023
Social Science  Juvenile Delinquency
May 17, 2023

Social Science  Discussion post (Please do the assignment as a discussion post and used attach references)

Assignment Instructions:Part 1: Solution-Focused TherapyAnswer the following prompts:Part 1a: Provide a brief overview of solution-focused therapy.Part 1b: Describe one (1) technique that is unique to solution-focused therapy.Part 1c: Describe one (1) client need that you think (based on learning amassed to-date) could be addressed by solution-focused therapy. Please come up with an original example – not a duplicated or paraphrased example from textbook content, module content, assigned readings, etc.Part 2: Narrative TherapyReview the following document:Eating Disorder Narrative.Then, describe how the client (client in the narrative) does the following:Part 2a: Externalizes the problem.Part 2b: Maps the problem.Part 2c: Deconstructs the situation.Part 2d: Re-authors the story.Part 3: Respond to at least one (1) classmate’s posting.Respond, at minimum, to either part 1 or part 2 of the classmate’s post.If you so choose, you may respond to both parts 1 and 2 of your classmate’s post.For example, you can indicate, “Hi Vivian, I’m responding to part 1 of your post. I found it interesting that you indicated…”.In-Text Citations and References:Please use APA guidelines for the reference(s) used and for in-text citations, paraphrased material, videos, etc. (*even for discussion postings*).If APA citations are missing from your discussion posting, this omission will be deducted from the grade you earn.Part of graduate-level writing includes using *and* referencing textbooks, journals, handouts, videos, etc. in your written work, and formatting these references according to APA guidelines.

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