
I need help in mythology class
April 19, 2021
April 19, 2021


Short Newsletter Item: Privacy Implications of OPEN Data

Write a short “newsletter” article (3 to 5 paragraphs) for non-technical managers to tell them about the potential privacy implications of the U.S. federal government’s OPEN Data initiatives.

Identify and discuss 3 or more specific types of OPEN Data which could impact the privacy of individuals and companies. See Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. for examples.

If you need help getting started thinking about privacy and open data, use this Google search:

Since this article is for a newsletter, you may use an informal but professional tone (address the reader as “you,” use “we” and “our” to refer to the organization’s perspective). Review the format requirements (see course resources) for a newsletter as well as the discussion rubric.

Provide in-text citations and references for 3 or more authoritative sources. Put the reference list at the end of your article.

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