Response to Reading “Challenging Authority, How Ordinary People change America”

April 22, 2021
April 22, 2021

Response to Reading “Challenging Authority, How Ordinary People change America”

give critical analysis to the reading :

Critical analysis should be analytical, evaluative, and constructive.

1. An analysis requires you to disassemble the apparent unity of your subject or topic, and then reassemble it in your own terms. This requires more than simply restating the argument or position of the text(s) in summary fashion. Analysis involves illustrating how the components of the text fit together as a logical structure in support of a particular thesis or understanding. Your task is to bring clarity and brevity to the text by extracting the elements that are crucial for your purpose. An analysis asks: what is the nature or substance of an issue or text, and how does it fit together?

2. An evaluation is an assessment of the significance and soundness of an argument or understanding. In making an evaluation of significance you determine whether the argument or perspective reveals something important that helps us to better make sense of or bring into clarity some aspect of social (or physical) reality. In making an evaluation about soundness, you seek to determine how well an argument is defended or supported by looking for faults in the reasoning, what has been silenced or left out, whether the evidence is sufficient, and whether the normative commitments mar or undermine the author’s purpose. If you find that the argument is sound and significant, your task is to explain why this is so, and how the author has convinced you.

3. The constructive aspect of critical analysis either suggests alternative ways of approaching the issue that the author may have ignored, illustrates possible solutions to problems encountered, or draws out the implications of the argument, extending it to new realms of inquiry or experience. When you do this, you may need to address possible objections that one might raise regarding your argument. The constructive element is the most creative aspect of a critical analysis, and in an empirically driven paper, much of the work will be constructive, in that you are applying your analysis and evaluation of a text or school of thought to explore new data or material

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