June 8, 2021
Determine the selected offender’s level of risk based on his assessment results.
June 8, 2021

Response needed

For this assignment you will read the summary and respond to the 2 questions withe 100 words each :Melaniesse Brooker


Creationists have failed in their top-down strategy of passing antievolution. Creationists made a list of arguments, they are primarily attacking the evolutionary theory and secondary positive statements of creationists own beliefs. What is evolution? Evolution is when organisms change through time.In the list there are 25 arguments and 25 answers to those arguments. We need scientific literacy to prosper in a nation that depends on scientific progress for national security and for individual health and economic gain.

My thoughts:

I think we should teach both because it gives students a chance to learn something new. They could have the choice if they want to learn creationism and evolution. It should be the students choice because they are the ones who have to sit through the lesson.


1) What are your thoughts about creationism?

2) What is one thing that you think should be taught in schools?

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