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April 8, 2021
Rene Descartes’s Meditations on First Philosophy
April 8, 2021

Response needed

Please respond to the following with 100 words:

Hey, Master. Good job chaining those main ideas together; it really makes everything come full-circle.

1. Well, that’s dependent on the type of power & status in question. We could be talking about a typical celebrity that has cut away from society or someone with real power like someone in a political office. I’ll stick mostly with the latter; if they weren’t all about PR then they would have a difficult time connecting with their fans/supporters. That’s why so many politicians are out of touch today; many have grown so old that they can no longer connect with the everchanging landscape of domestic affairs, which may lead them to further lean towards their grounds then listen to the people.

2. This could probably be a simple solution. We do have the IATs. Take the race IAT for example. You could show someone pictures of some of the notable black civil rights activists & leaders, like Malcolm X, Martin Luther & Coretta King, or Nelson Mandela, or infamous & influential white musicians, like Frank Sinatra, Kurt Cobain, or David Bowie; then have them take the test. It all depends on what that person has been exposed to.

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