Annotated Passage
June 9, 2021
June 9, 2021


Understanding Religions in light of Science” Please respond to the following:

Please look at the following article as well as the information in “Other Preparation”:

[paste into your browser].

DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING in your initial pin, citing sources in APA style:

” Science and Religion are two separate domains and cannot intersect. Truth is secular, and as such, must never be confused with religion.”

Is Truth ‘secular’? How would we know? Has anyone ever proven that reality is secular (devoid of the spiritual)? Do science and religion intersect meaningfully in any way? Are they diametrically oposed to one another? (Hint: you might find my second intro video for the course, which is on the home page, to be helpful: the one on World View: knowledge, belief, etc. Ask yourself: what is truth? )

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