Reading response about Trifles and A Doll House

April 3, 2021
April 3, 2021

Reading response about Trifles and A Doll House

Please answer each question in ¾ page of thoughtful writing that incorporates specific textual evidence from each play. Total length: 1 ½ pages double-spaced, 12-pt. font.


A Doll House:…

  1. What patterns do you notice in the stage directions in Trifles? Draw our attention to a particular pattern that you notice in the stage directions that you feel is important and tell us the idea being implied through that repeated element.
  1. When Ibsen realized that certain people might be inclined to change the ending of A Doll House to make it less shocking for audiences at the time, he wrote his own alternate ending. In this version, Nora decides to stay in the end. Which ending do you feel the play prepared you to expect—one in which Nora stays or one in which she leaves—and why? What pattern would you point to in the text that prepared you to expect the ending that you expected?
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