RE: SOCW6031 – Discussion 2 Response to Student – Statistical Significance and Variables

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May 4, 2021

RE: SOCW6031 – Discussion 2 Response to Student – Statistical Significance and Variables

Respond to a colleague’s post by suggesting how statistical significance can be used in his or her research and practice. Consider practical issues such as whether a social worker is looking for a treatment approach that might be more effective than what he or she has been using, whether the participants in the study are similar or different from the client the social worker is treating, or decisions about whether to continue a program. Please use the resources to support your answer.

Response to Sarah

Statistical significance refers to the results of a study showing that the results are not just a sampling error and the relationship between the variables is a true result (Yegidis, Weinbach, & Myers, 2018). Some statistically significant results that are found in a study do not add any value to the study’s results. If a study produces statistically significant results, the researchers need to question if the results have any true meaning to the research question and applicability of the study to practice (Yegidis, Weinbach, & Myers, 2018). In a study that was designed to measure reduction of child neglect and abuse by using the Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Prevention Services (MAPS), it was determined that using the MAPS program did help to reduce child abuse and neglect issues (Hoefer & Bryant, 2017). The study used a pretest/posttest design to measure the same sample over a period of time to determine the measure of change made while using MAPS techniques (Hoefer & Bryant, 2017). Using inferential statistics and a T-test method, the results were found to be statistically significant suggesting that the MAPS program had true influence over research outcomes and showed lower rates of involvement with child protective services programs (Hoefer & Bryant, 2017). This statistically significant result is meaningful to the study because it shows the relationship between families utilizing the MAPS program and their decreased negative behaviors and outcomes. These results should influence my practice as a social worker because it showcases that this program is effective with the population involved to effect positive change to decrease instances of neglect and abuse toward children.

Hoefer, R., Bryant, D. (2017). A quantitative evaluation of the multi-disciplinary approach to prevention services (MAPS) program to protect children and strengthen families. Journal of Social Service Research, 43(4), 459-469. doi: 10.1080/01488376.2017.1295009.

Yegidis, B. L., Weinbach, R. W., & Myers, L. L. (2018). Research methods for social workers (8th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.

Please use two peer reviewed references and APA format for this response to student.

Thanks so much,

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