LEG 500 Assignment 3: Legal and Ethical Considerations in Marketing, Product Safety, and Intellectual Property
March 12, 2021
phil homework ( please read the post and the attachment )
March 12, 2021

Psychology Theories

Question 1


Read Chapters 5 and 6 from the Applied metacognition e-book, review Elaboration TheorySocial Learning Theory, and Self-Determination Theory online, read “The Impact of the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction on Student Self-Determination” article, view the Emotional Intelligence and Bloom’s Taxonomy videos, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance.
Throughout the past several decades, the understanding of how we learn has been defined and redefined.  For the discussion please include the following:

  1. Evaluate and discuss the applicability of social learning theory and Bloom’s taxonomy to the concepts of how we learn.  
  2. Analyze how social learning theory and Bloom’s taxonomy incorporate cognitivism and constructivism into their frameworks.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of social learning theory and Bloom’s taxonomy may have contributed to the focus on the more recent theories of emotional intelligence, metacognition, and motivation (i.e., self-determination). This may be opinion, but please support your ideas with your experiences or current understanding.
  4. Research three scholarly articles pertaining to the historical relevance of one of the following: emotional intelligence, Self-determination Theory, or metacognition..
  5. Address the following questions about what you discovered during your research:
  • What historical trends do you notice in the literature about your assigned subject?
  • Does there appear to be any event or series of events (such as research findings) that helped to promote this area of variable within learning psychology?
  1. Evaluate your learning style and share an example of how a better understanding of this theory might be applied to explain your learning behavior(s) in a real-life situation at school, work, or home.


Prior to engaging in this discussion, please read “The Development of Memory Efficiency and Value-Directed Remembering Across the Life Span” article, watch the Memory processes, Storage and Recalland Three Kinds of Memory videos, and review any relevant instructor guidance.  This guidance can be very helpful as it may include strategies that support your preferred learning.

  1. Describe how memory development and learning affect each other by defining the types of memories listed below in your own words (the use of quotations is inappropriate) and citing personal examples of each.  
    • Episodic Memories
    • Semantic Memories
    • Procedural Memories
  2. Next, apply basic research methods in psychology to your initial statements on these issues by researching at least one peer-reviewed article per memory type (three articles total)  to supplement your definition of each. 
  3. After completing your research, critically analyze and discuss, in depth, how each of your real-life examples represents each type of memory. 
  4. Lastly, evaluate and comment on how episodic memories, semantic memories, and procedural memories each potentially affect how a person learns.


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