Cognitive Restructuring Theory
June 13, 2021
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June 13, 2021



Learning Activity #2: The Challenges of Treatment Case Study Response

Read Chapter 34 of your Doweiko textbook.

Case Studies: All case studies used in this course are fictional. Any resemblance to persons, living or deceased, are coincidental. The scenarios vary in complexity. To complete the activity, do the following:

  • Download and read the document titled Case Study 3, Week 5.
  • Write a two-page reaction response using scholarly sources to support your thoughts.
  • Assess the case and determine how the client may test the limits of the counselor and treatment center.
  • Note any issues that you the counselor believe should also be addressed, or may impact/compound the treatment of the person’s substance use.
  • Note any potential ethical problems in treating this person.
  • Note any biblical or Christian worldview implications that you identify with the case and what a Christian worldview response might be to that problem

Case Study 3, Week 5 DOCUMENT


Elizabeth was just 13 years old when she had her first drink. After that first drink, she found she liked the way it made her feel, so she had a couple of more. Before long, she experienced her first time being drunk, and the door had opened.

Elizabeth soon progressed to smoking pot after school, and before long she was using it every day, often smoking before school as well. She found it difficult to find enough money to buy her marijuana, so she began taking money from her mother’s purse when she wasn’t looking. It made her feel horrible, so she smoked the pot to help her cope with her guilt.

When Elizabeth was 17, a friend offered her some methamphetamine. By this time, she was known as a party girl and wasn’t about to tarnish that image. She snorted the white powder and was transformed. She became more than the life of the party; she became very sexually promiscuous and became THE party. People wanted to be around her because she was so much fun. She couldn’t believe it took her so long to find this amazing high.

At 19, Elizabeth had a baby. She wasn’t sure who the father was, and the baby was born addicted to crack. Under the doctor’s recommendation her son was taken from her before she was even released from the hospital. Despondent over this loss, when she did leave, she immediately sought out her dealer and got high.

At 21 Elizabeth was arrested for possession of drugs for the third time in one month. She was put in jail to await trial. The judge ordered her into a rehabilitation facility. She attended for the required 30 day treatment time and, once home, began using drugs (marijuana and meth) again after just two days.

Her life continues to spiral out of control to the point that she begins stealing from friends and family to support her regular habit of marijuana and crack cocaine. Four months after treatment she began prostituting herself to obtain money for life and to support her habit. After three additional arrests (2 involving prostitution and 1 involving drug possession) she was sentenced to a state prison.

Within one month of being in prison she attempted suicide. Following her suicide attempt there was an intervention by a mental health counselor and a substance abuse counselor at the facility. Elizabeth agreed to enter the substance abuse treatment program in the correctional facility

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