Pick an issue (best to use the same issue you are using for your final project)

May 8, 2021
May 8, 2021

Pick an issue (best to use the same issue you are using for your final project)

Around 500 words for the initial post

The secret to an effective ad campaign on social media is to target your ads and deliver the right message to the right people. As a result, smaller ad campaigns are generally better than broad campaigns.

For this discussion, please talk about what makes a good target audience for a social ad campaign.

  • Pick an issue (best to use the same issue you are using for your final project).
    • Talk about who your primary, secondary, and tertiary target audiences are among potential activists.
    • Explain what makes each group relevant to a campaign on this issue.
  • Explain how you would target each of these audiences.
    • What interests, demographics, “likes” and “follows” would you use to target your social ads to each audience?
  • Describe the message you would you use to influence each of your target audiences.
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