January 31, 2021
January 31, 2021


Read the following scenario before answering the prompts.

Brenda is married and met her husband after she had just completed medical school and residency. She and her husband Rick wanted a large family and thus they have four children. When the couple’s youngest child was old enough to go to school Brenda decided that she would like to return to work as a Physician. She realized how much she missed what she used to do before she became a mother and felt as if she had given up on her career. After she talked to her husband about the child care situation, Brenda began her job application process as a Physician. While searching for a job Brenda became pregnant and later on found out that the fetus has Down syndrome. The doctor was unable to tell Brenda whether the Down syndrome will be mild or severe and knowing that having a child with a disability may prevent her from ever returning to the working world, so she decided to an abortion without her husband’s knowledge.

Do you believe abortion is justified in this situation?

Secondly, provide your personal opinion on these questions:

When, if ever should abortion be justified? Who should be held with the responsibility to make the decision (male, female, both)? Do you believe your views on abortion have changed as you have gotten older or stayed the same? What personally impacts your opinions on abortion?

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