Option #1: Develop an Equality and Diversity Policy Paper

HR – Labor Relations
August 11, 2021
Assignment (Unilever)
August 11, 2021

Option #1: Develop an Equality and Diversity Policy Paper

Option #1: Develop an Equality and Diversity Policy PaperIn his book, “Equality of Opportunity,” author John Roemer posits there are two views of equality of opportunity. The first is the nondiscrimination principle.  The nondiscrimination principle states that in the competition for positions in society, individuals should be judged only on attributes relevant to the performance of the duties. Characteristics such as race or sex should not be taken into account. The second states that society should do what it can to level the playing field among persons who compete for positions, especially during their formative years, so that all those who have the relevant potential attributes can be considered.What is common to both situations is that at some point, the principle of equal opportunity holds individuals accountable for the achievements of particular objectives, whether they be education, employment, health, or income. As a leader, you must understand these two viewpoints. Using the organization you created in Module 1, develop your organization’s Equality and Diversity Policy. Your policy will explain your attitudes and values towards equality and diversity in the workplace. It will outline what your primary aims are for removing prejudice and inequality, and how you will improve your workplace in terms of fair treatment, i.e., by:Creating a positive and supportive working environment for all staff and customers.Protecting employees from being discriminated against because of one or more of the protected characteristics that apply to them.Providing equal opportunity for everyone in the workforce, no matter their background or characteristics.Promoting the diversity of the workforce.Responding to changing demographics and working patterns, e.g., employers being flexible with work to retain valuable employees who have specific needs and meet customer demands.Recommended Steps on How to Write an Equality Diversity Policy:To begin the policy, write a statement that outlines your organization’s commitment to equality; that explains, you aim to create a diverse workforce, promote positivity, and instills a can-do attitude in everyone, no matter their background or characteristics.Following this paragraph, identify that your employment will not discriminate on the grounds of any protected characteristics. This demonstrates your understanding of the protected characteristics; that you can identify them; that you will not be biased, or have reservations based on them. Explicitly state that you oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.Then, outline the type of work environment your establishment aims to create, i.e., free of discrimination and prejudice. Make it clear that everyone will be treated fairly, with respect, and given equal opportunity in every aspect of their functional role.State that, when selecting for employment, promotion, training, or anything of this nature, it will be based on the individual’s own merits. Their aptitude and ability will determine their suitability for the role; it will not be affected by any of the protected characteristics.You could then give a list of bullet points that sum up your principal attitudes, values, and aims where equality and diversity is concerned, such as one stating that you desire to create an environment in which individual differences and how everyone contributes are recognized and valued.Reinforce your sentiments and your intolerance towards discrimination – including the fact that disciplinary action will be taken against those that breach your policy.And lastly, state that the policy is active; that it will be monitored and reviewed annually.Submission Requirements:Your submission should be 4 pages in length (not including title or reference pages) and be formatted according to theCSU Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements (Links to an external site.).Be sure to discuss and reference concepts taken from the course reading material and relevant research.You must include a minimum of 6 credible, academic, or professional references beyond the text or other course materials (at least two scholarly/peer-reviewed from the CSU Global Library).You may wish to review theTemplate Paper (Links to an external site.)for help formatting your essay according to the requirements.If you need assistance with your writing style or you need writing tips or tutorials, visit theCSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

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