May 6, 2022
Power Point
May 6, 2022

Nursing Power Point



Power Point: Health Care Reform



1.Health care Reform, its benefits and its negative aspects.


2. Analyze the current situation of the health care services in the state of Florida.



Your power point should be:


. 8 slices


Typed according to APA style for margins 7 edition, formatting and spacing standards. Please include Cite your resources, include picture and do a professional power point.


4 references , a least 2 journals. References no more than 5 year old, citation.


. After submission, a rating of 0-15% similarity will be considered acceptable. Over 15% will not be considered acceptable.


NOTE:  Wikipedia is not a source to be used in any of the generated work; using it will result in a “zero” for the assignment.

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