HSN/376: Health Information Technology For Nursing
Wk 5 Discussion – Nursing Informatics Roles
Instructions: Reply substantively to at least 2 of your classmates. Be constructive and professional in your responses. Response range from 150 to 300 words per student.
**Deverese W.
Nursing informatics is the specialty that integrates nursing science with multiple information and analytical sciences to identify, define, manage and communicate data, information, knowledge and wisdom in nursing practice (himss,2020). In the field of nursing informatics the most interesting to me is nursing informatics specialist. Nursing informatics specialist facilitate data integration, information and knowledge so that they provide better support to patients, nurses and other health care providers. Nursing informatics specialist interest me because you are able to train nursing and other healthcare staff on new systems which I do enjoy teaching others what I know or have knowledge of in order to make sure the best care is being provided to patients.
As far as the future of nursing informatics and health care technology and it being a growing field see it being a success within healthcare. Even though technology is always a new challenge I do feel it will help to enhance nursing practice. With the right training and cooperation it’ll make patient information easier to access, improve efficiency, and reduce errors that could possibly happen. The use of information technology including computers, handheld digital devices, internet has advanced the nursing by bridging the gap from nursing as an art to nursing as science. In every field of nursing practice, nursing research, nursing education and nursing informatics play a very important role. If used properly it is a way to save time, helping to provide quality nursing care and increases the proficiency of nursing personnel (SPM,2020). Some advantages in the future shift would be the gain of knowledge of how technology, people, health, and the healthcare system interrelate that way we are able to evolve and adapt to the changes in technology. The disadvantages would be getting the right training and participation to make sure we are able to implement what is needed in the right way. Without proper training technology and informatics would not be used properly leading to poor patient care.
SPM blog. (2020, April 16). Blog: Society for Participatory Medicine. https://participatorymedicine.org/epatients/2020/04/health-informatics-and-why-participatory-healthcare-is-key-to-its-future.html
What is nursing informatics? (2020, August 28). HIMSS. https://www.himss.org/resources/what-nursing-informaticsTop
**Kimberly N.
I believe the most interesting field of nursing informatics is clinical informatics. As nurses turn their attention to the computer process, they realize this will aid in their daily workload by blocking unnecessary time being lost with entering data manually thus allowing more time being spent with the patient. I think this is interesting because new graduate nurses will be more familiar with computer systems and will be able to intergrade the concepts related to the role of computer technology in clinical practice. “Nursing informatics is the integration of nursing, its information, and information management with information processing and communication technology, to support the health of people worldwide†(IMIA-NI Strategic, July 2007). As we advance most of the nurses must still adjust to the idea of integrating the computer system in their daily practice and understand the rationale behind it. The clinical use of telemedicine will become prominent it will help establish transmission of clinical data for diagnosis or disease control; promoting health through disease prevention; using advice via telephone in emergency conditions. Telemedicine allows us to exchange medical information from one site to another to improve patient health status. So, as we continue to evolve the challenge will be to extend the range of conventional home care by offering a wider range of patients such as those who are immobilized, and those who live in disadvantaged areas. I look forward to seeing how telehealth will rapidly develop and as a nurse we will have to play a key role in the model of health service delivery.
Clinical Informatics. (n.d.). Retrieved January 07, 2021, from https://www.amia.org/applications-informatics/clinical-informatics
HSN/376: Health Information Technology For Nursing
Wk 5 Discussion – Nursing Informatics Roles
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Explore the American Medical Informatics Association website to review different types of nursing informatics roles.
*What field of nursing informatics is most interesting to you? Why?
*Where do you foresee the future of nursing informatics and health care technology? What will be the advantages and disadvantages of this shift? Why?
*Provide examples from your own clinical practice, current events, or professional journals.
Be constructive and professional in your responses.
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