April 23, 2021
Community Treasure Hunt – Final Paper
April 23, 2021

New Testament

Total 1000 words. APA format. 3 scholarly sources. Google Scholar sources and/or theological scholar sources. Please seperate by bullet. 1-8.

Textbook: Harris, S. L. (2014). The New Testament: A Student’s Introduction (8th ed.). Dubuque: McGrawHill Education.

  • What are some of the major differences between the Gospel of John and the Synoptic Gospels? Briefly describe a few events and teachings in Jesus’ life that are not found in the Gospel of John.
  • How does John’s use of the Greek term logos connect Jesus with the creation account of Genesis 1 as well as the Greek principle of cosmic Reason?
  • Why did the writer of the Gospel of John compile a “Book of Signs”? briefly describe one of those signs and its meaning
  • Identify the leaders of the Jerusalem church and the missionaries who first helped carry “the new way” into the larger world beyond the Jewish capital.
  • In recording the events of Pentecost how does Luke emphasize role of the Holy Spirit and that Christianity is a religion for all peoples? According to the author of Luke, what ancient Hebrew prophecy is fulfilled by the Spirit’s coming upon the first disciples?
  • Summarize the results of Paul’s three missionary journeys into Gentile territories. What series of events led to Paul’s arrest in Caesarea and Rome?
  • Briefly describe Paul’s transformation from a zealous Pharisee to Christianity’s first great missionary. How does the account of his conversion in Acts ch. 9 differ from his own accounts in Gal. 1:15 and I Cor. 9:1 and 15:8-9?
  • How many authentic letters of Paul are there? How many disputed and/or pseudonymous letters of Paul’s exist and what generally distinguishes the authentic letters from the disputed/pseudonymous letters.
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