Muckrakers investigative journalists assignent

Qualitative study eval
June 27, 2021
Sample Questions class religion
June 27, 2021

Muckrakers investigative journalists assignent

Muckrakers were investigative journalists who exposed corruption in business or government, or examined serious societal issues. Several of the most well-known muckrakers worked for McClure’s Magazine, where they wrote exposés on large companies, meat slaughtering houses, and city governments. choose one of the listed Muckrakers: Ida M. Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, Upton Sinclair, and Ray Stannard Baker.

  • Write a well-constructed outline and final draft on one muckraker using the information you collected during your website research. Keep the following points:
  • Include important biographical information about the individual’s life.
  • Give specific examples of articles and books that were written by the individual. What businesses or government offices were targeted in the exposés?
  • What reforms or changes took place as a result of the individual’s writings?
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