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Find a Peer reviewed article Annotation, Complete the Mind Mapping and the final document for review

Topic: Technology Leadership on

The mind map should identify concepts from the articles and tie them together with your personal insight. Use a screen capture tool (e.g. Windows Snipping tool, MAC Command-Shift-4, keyboard PrtSc button, MAC Grab tool, etc.) to copy and paste your mind map into the MSWord file from your article summaries. Can do the mind map on it’s free version to login. (Login into the bubbles account and get started, on the left top you will have a new mind map).

Along with the mind map draft, this paper should begin to include a paragraph narrative description of each article, including a connection to ideas for a final group project in draft form. References should include both scholarly and periodical sources. Utilize instructor and peers as needed and available for assistance in your search process. You will be assessed on your thoughtful use of resources (e.g. narrative description of references and/or citation in mindmap) and evidence of depth in thinking about your mind map and content in your draft work.

A sample is included below.

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