Meeting the family needs of children with ID

Diabtes Paper And Powerpoint
February 27, 2021
I have 4 assignments that is due. DB and IP. I would like to start off with the first one. I will like one person to do all the work for me.
February 27, 2021

Meeting the family needs of children with ID

i)       Interview a teacher of students with ID. Specifically, focus your interview questions on the impact an individual with ID has on family structure. You may also want to focus your questions on the collaborative skills necessary for teachers to possess when interacting with families who have a child with ID. 


   Next, attend an IEP meeting and/or conference for a student with ID.

(1)   During the meeting, note the interactions that take place, facilitation skills that are employed during the meeting and the manner in which information is disseminated to parents.

(2)   According to what you have learned in this course, are these interactions, skills, etc. appropriate in terms of effective interactions with parents of children with ID?


(3)   Write a 1500-1750 word essay that describes your observations and reactions, using your text and notes from lectures, and your recommendations to foster better collaboration with regard to what you observed in the meeting.

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