Reply separately to two of your classmates posts (See attached classmates posts, post#1 and post#2). Instructions:
May 18, 2022
Analysis Of A Pertinent Healthcare Issue
May 18, 2022

Medical Assisstant

Before starting this discussion, you will need to research a particular technology tool or app that is used for setting goals and tracking your success toward those goals. Here are a few options:

(1) GoalsOnTrack (Links to an external site.)

(2) Lifetick (Links to an external site.)

(3) Habit List (Links to an external site.)

There are many other tools like this out there, so if you want to do your own research, you can find a different tool to research.

Once you’ve identified your tool and explored it a bit, answer the following questions:

(1) Which tool did you pick? Provide an overview of the tool and its uses.

(2) Do you think this tool would be useful in setting and achieving goals? Why or why not?

(3) Would you use this tool in the future? Why or why not?

(4) What strategies have you used in the past to set goals and plan to reach them?

  • attachment

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