
Research paper about martin luther king jr realted to the civil rights movement
May 21, 2021
Aging myth
May 21, 2021


reading materials for the course describe “scientific skepticism” and identifies six (6) principles of scientific thinking. It also discusses pseudopsychology and pseudoscientific claims.

  1. Select one or two of the six principles you think are most important to the study of psychology, and explain your reasons why it is most important?
  2. Now find:
    a recent newspaper or magazine article, or a “pop psychology” article or website, that presents a simplified psychological theory/explanation
    a psychology-related advertisement that makes claims of success about their method of learning, memorization, thinking ability, etc.
  3. Identify in your own words, what part of this article, website or ad appears like pseudopsychology and/or is pseudoscientific. Attach an electronic link to the source so others can read the content too.
  4. Finally, describe how you might use or have recently used some of these six principles to think more critically about psychology or related topics?
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