December 27, 2020
December 27, 2020


For this assignment, you will work on the identification of a theoretical framework utilized within previous literature as related to a possible research topic of interest.Please use 12 font times roman, citations,5 references, and no plagerism.

Complete the following for this assignment:

  • From the three previously presented potential research topics, identify one research topic of most interest.
  • Using the three peer-reviewed research articles analyzed in assignment 2, as well as additional peer-reviewed research articles, identify a theory most informative to the topic of interest.
  • Discuss how the identified theory relates to the selected topic of interest.

Support your assignment with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 3 pages, not including title or reference pages

Please label the title page

Lackey EDR-8200-V2

Week 3

North Central

Attached are assignments from assignment 1, and 2 Please use as a reference,but do not copy or plagerism please complete in your own words.

Assignment 1

Educational leadership

The article identifies and discusses three potential areas of study in educational leadership. The paper also identifies the keywords to be used in a range of research databases when conducting a study on the topics.

Educational leadership is the involvement of all academic institution stakeholders in creating an enabling environment for student success. Areas of interest in the field include assisting special needs students to succeed, establishing channels of communication among education stakeholders, and appreciating students’ personal history.

Areas of study

Special needs students need the support of the school and its stakeholders to succeed in their studies. Schools have tried to design programs that are inclusive to ensure that all students benefit equally from the services they offer. However, challenges still exist. According to a report by Mader (2017) shortage of special education teachers are hampering the effort to provide quality education to the special needs students.Most teachers in academic institutions are not well prepared to handle students living with disabilities who have extraordinary needs. Mader (2017) notes that some teachers find it difficult to balance instructing students with no disabilities andA study, therefore needs to be carried to see ways teachers with no special education training can step in to fill the void and recommend policy changes that can be made to accommodate the change.

Students are drawn from diverse social and ethnic backgrounds. The different demographics offer a challenge to teachers and learners. As a result, being aware of student personal history is a significant factor in educational leadership. Regardless of the social and cultural diversity in academic institutions today, educational leaders should ensure that students’ right to education is adhered to by the school’s stakeholders. Cherkowski & Ragoonaden (2016) stated that school administrators should examine their beliefs and ensure that it does not worsen categorization of students in the school. The primary challenge lies in the different level of attention and needs to be demanded by each learner in the institution and the preparedness of the school administrator to meet a variety of students needs. The state and education stakeholders place a lot of expectations on the school leaders and as a result as the study could be carried out to understand how education leaders address different needs brought about by cultural diversity in learning institutions.

The complexity of educational leadership needs effective communication skills and approach by school administrators. Adkin-Sharif (2017) noted that effective communication strategy is effective as it harmonizes the views of the parents, teachers, and students towards a towards attaining a common goal.In performing their functions, educational leaders interact with different people who have a bearing on student success. A study could be carried out to reveal communication strategies adopted by academic institution administrators of various learning institutions.


Materials for the study will be retrieved from databases like ERIC and PROQUEST. Key expressions were used to collect relevant information from academic databases. The keywords used include educational leadership and special needs students, ordinary teachers and special needs students. The second research topic focuses on addressing challenges brought by student diversity in schools. The keywords used to identify materials for the research topics include cultural diversity in schools and educational leadership and student diversity. The third research topic covered communication approaches employed by educational leaders. The key expressions utilized to search relevant data included communication and educational leadership, communication strategies by school administrators, and communicating effectively with school stakeholders.

In conclusion, three educational leaders topics for research cover special needs education, student cultural and social diversity, and communication approaches. The items include the emerging issues that school administrators have to deal with to ensure students success in education.


Adkins-Sharif, J (2017) Beginning Again With Marginalized Parents. Educational Leadership,Volume 75 | Number 1, pp 34-38. Retrieved on September 23, 2017 from

Cherkowski, S., &Ragoonaden, K (2016) Leadership for diversity: Intercultural communication competence as professional development. Teacher Learning and Professional Development,Vol. 1, No. 1, May 2016, pp. 33 – 43. Retrieved on September 23, 2017 from…

Mader, J (2017) How Teacher Training Hinders Special-Needs Students. The Atlantic. Retrieved on September 23, 2017 from…

Assignment 2 Peer Review

Article Title: A Quantitative Study of Teacher Perceptions of Professional Learning Communities’ Context, Process, and Content by Daniel R. Johnson.


Research Problem/Issue: it is evident that education in America continues to face a number of reforms efforts aimed at enhancing accountability which tends to be a norm in this sector. However, what was once contained with the local control of independent school districts is now becoming increasingly controlled as the state and federal levels. Such actions and changes however affect the quantity of education provided and also the success of students in schools.

Purpose of the research

The purpose of this study was to research the influence of professional learning communities (PLC) as perceived by New Jersey State-certified educators in three specific areas: content, process, and context of the reform’s implementation.

Research questions

What are the implication of professional learning community on the perception of educators on various issues related to education provision?.

What does the process of a professional learning community have on the perceptions of educators regarding the influence upon data-driven decisions, evaluation, research based practices, and collaboration?

What are the implications of the content of a professional learning community have on the perceptions of educators regarding the influence of equity, quality teaching, and family involvement during the first one year of PLC implantation process.


As part of the grant application, schools receiving the grant acknowledged that implementation efforts would include all staff at the chosen schools. Furthermore, a school-level team of 4 to 5 people, including a school-level administrator, would attend the trainings.

Methodology & Design

This research was conducted utilizing a survey design. This was accomplished through the use of a descriptive rating, Likert-type survey provided by the NSDC and EIRC, the Standards Inventory Assessment (SAI), which was used to collect quantitative data from educators in 10 New Jersey schools.


Independent variable: Perceptions of educators as they transitioned to a professional learning community model

Dependent variable: the quality of education and the success of students.


The study employed the use of survey instrument, the SAI, explored teacher perceptions of professional learning communities as implemented in 10 New Jersey schools.

Article Title: Reframing Educational Leadership Research in the 21st Century by NG Foo Seong, David.


Research problem:

Despite the fact that educational leadership has been termed to be a crucial aspect in enhancing the quality of learning that students are provided, there has been less emphasis on enhancing quality educational leadership in different learning institutions almost two decades since individuals embarked on a mission to research its effectiveness.

Purpose of the research

The purpose of the research is to map the data analytical methods used in educational leadership research over the last thirty years and to establish the types of data collection and analyses methods used to contribute to the development of our current body of knowledge on educational leadership.

Research Questions

What are the data sources and analytical methods adopted in Educational leadership research?

What is the current landscape of schooling and how does it challenge current educational leadership research methodologies?

What are some possible alternative research methodologies and how can they complement current methodologies in educational leadership research?


The researcher identified top 20 universities that offered graduate courses in educational leadership and management. A search was then conducted that specifically looked at graduate research courses taught in educational leadership and management in these 20 universities.

Methodology & Design

In conducting the study, the researcher opted to use both qualitative and quantitative methods in educational leadership research. The researcher aimed at collect9ng data that either maximize generalization to the population in the case of quantitative methods or provide explanation/interpretation of a phenomenon that represents a population in case of qualitative methods.


The independent variable is Educational leadership research while the dependent variable is the quality of education provided.


The study employed observation and surveys as the main instruments of data collection for the analysis of the research topic above.

Article Title: How Principals and Peers Influence Teaching and Learning by Jonathan Supovitz, Philip Sirinides, and Henry May


Research problem:

Various studies have been conducted in the past to analyze the impact of educational leadership on the quality of learning that teachers provide to students in a given learning institution. However, less emphasis has been put on how principal leadership affects the peer teacher influence on teachers and how such impacts influences the student learning process

Purpose of the study

This paper examines the effects of principal leadership and peer teacher influence on teachers’ instructional practice and student learning. In this study the authors analyzes the two trends on educational leadership which states that leadership have incorporated a range of other leadership activities in schools—mostly leadership enacted by teachers and other “informal” school leaders—that influence instructional practice. The study combines the above two trends to examine the effects of both principal leadership and peer influence on teachers’ instructional practice and student learning.

Research Questions

1. Is principal leadership associated with teacher change in instruction?

2. Is principal leadership associated with teacher peer influence?

3. What is the relative magnitude of the association of principal leadership and peer influence with teacher change in instruction?

4. Is there a relationship between teacher change in instruction and increases in student learning in mathematics and/or ELA?

5. In light of findings from the above questions, what are the indirect relationships among principal leadership, peer influence, change in instruction, and student learning?


The data to address these research questions come from a midsized urban district in the southeastern United States. They were collected as part of an ongoing study of educational leadership and principal professional development discussed elsewhere in this journal edition. Cloverville (a pseudonym) has 52 schools, 30 elementary schools, 10 middle schools, 8 high schools, and 4 specialty schools.

Methodology & Design

Using teacher survey and student achievement data from a mid-sized urban southeastern school district in the United States in 2006-2007, the study employs multilevel structural equation modeling to examine the structural relationships between student learning and theorized dimensions of principal leadership, teacher peer influence, and change in teachers’ instructional practice.


The variables in this study are principal leadership which is independent variable and the student learning process which is the dependent variable.


The authors relied on the use of surveys and questionnaires as the main instruments for collecting data for the study.


Johnson, Daniel R., (2011).”A Quantitative Study of Teacher Perceptions of Professional Learning Communities’ Context, Process, and Content”.Seton Hall University Dissertations and Theses (ETDs). 15.

Jonathan Supovitz, Philip Sirinides, and Henry May. (2010). How Principals and Peers Influence Teaching and Learning. Educational Administration Quarterly 46(1) 31–56

Ng, F. S. D. (2016). Reframing Educational Leadership Research in the 21st Century. School Leadership & Management, 35(4), 388-407.

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