Journal entries in Sociology class

Easy Annotated bibliography
April 10, 2021
3 Topics. One essay for each topic. 250 words minimum for each essay
April 10, 2021

Journal entries in Sociology class

Hi, Folks. The following is an example of what a journal entry looks like.

An Example of a Sociological Journal Entry

Six one-page journal entries are required for this assignment. Each journal entry consists of the following three parts.

1) Introduce and define a social fact or concept.

2) Show how the concept operates in society.

3) Show how the concept helps you to understand what occurs in your own life.

(please make sure that each journal entry consists of the following three parts)

If I were a student in this class, here is how I would describe and explain a key sociological concept of Anomie in a journal entry I will later submit to the instructor. You can use this example as a model for the journal entries you will be submitting to me at the end of this course.

Today in class we discussed the social fact of Anomie, a state of uncertainty that comes from being cut off from ethical foundations within the groups of which we are a member. In the late 1800s in France, Emile Durkheim hypothesized that the mental instability that led to crime and suicide during the Industrial Revolution occurred because people, used to agrarian life in small villages, now had to conform to new mechanized urban norms that they were not sure of. An example of such Anomie occurred when people had to change from living in large families and working in individual homesteads on farms in communities whose neighbors they knew well, to living in smaller families and working with strangers in factories that were separately located from their apartments in often squalid tenement houses located adjacent to other families—also strangers.

The instructor said that Durkheim and other early sociologists of his day took a structural-functional approach to Anomie, noting that the changes in the economic, political, and family institutions during industrialization caused social problems, sometimes referred to as either deviance or dysfunctions, both within the individuals (such as anomie and alienation) and within society (suicide and other crimes, for example). Furthermore, these dysfunctions became less pronounced as people adapted to a new urban milieu with its own type of homeostasis or equilibrium.

The concept of Anomie has also helped me to understand how people in small groups and in social situations can also be uncertain when anyone violates a norm. In an experiment, I noticed that after the norm is violated, people are often caught off balance and try to determine from one another what the appropriate normative response should be. During this time, people seem to be experiencing Anomie, and the feeling of uncertainty only goes away when the dysfunction is neutralized, and the social order returns to homeostasis. Indeed, this occurred in my own ethnomethodological experiment in my family when I violated a norm and the family members were unsure as to how to respond. Later, my explanation as to why I deviated from the norm helped to reduce Anomie and re-establish homeostasis within my family.

This is a link for the book we use in class. Just so you know the chapters and have an idea of what we discussed in class.…

Each jurnal entry should be around 300 words more or less.

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