integrate your understanding of peace theory, just war theory, and apply it to current or recent international conflict.

The good the True the Beautiful outline
May 8, 2021
May 8, 2021

integrate your understanding of peace theory, just war theory, and apply it to current or recent international conflict.

develop a 500-750 word paper which you will post. This paper should integrate your understanding of peace theory, just war theory, and apply it to current or recent international conflict. Then identify the possible solutions to the causes and consequences of war and peace in your selected international conflict case study. Reference sources used.

1. Reread my comments on your paper.
2. Unpack the assignment; break it down into each of its requirements. Treat it like you would an OPORD. There are four parts to the assignment– (a) integrate your understanding of peace theory, (b) integrate your understanding of just war theory, (c) and apply it (meaning both peace theory and just war theory) to a current or recent international conflict, and (d) identify the possible solutions to the causes and consequences of war and peace in your selected international conflict.
3. You identified the Syrian Civil War as a conflict. Now pick one of the belligerents in the conflict (for purposes of illustration I chose to focus on the actions of the Assad government in what I suggested below.)
4. (This is just one approach.) There are three foundational principles of Justice of War (Jus ad bellum): Legitimate authority, just cause, and right intent. Apply each of these to the Syrian government, for example, and make the call. — Does the Syrian Government have the legitimate authority to used armed force? What is the basis? Does that government have a just cause to use force? What is that cause? Does the government fight with the right intent. That is, what is the intended result of the use of force?
5. Describe what would constitute a just peace in the Syrian conflict. What do the authors of the readings in this lesson suggest is the basis for a just peace? Can it be achieved in Syria?
6. Develop a peace plan. Describe how that plan would address and resolve the causes of the war. Describe how it would address the consequences of this war. (So, for example, if one of the consequences of the war was a Syrian civilian refugee crisis, how will your peace plan address the plight of refugees?)

This is a short paper (500-700 words) so you need to get right to the point. Try writing an outline first. The points of your outline would then become topical sentences or key arguments in your paper.

Work to improve your syntax. Use simple, declarative sentences. Use an on-line program to check your grammar and punctuation.

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