In search of the Black Fantastic, Richard Iton

vocabulary journal
June 28, 2021
Anthropology Research Project (Turkish Culture)
June 28, 2021

In search of the Black Fantastic, Richard Iton

In Iton’s exploration of the role of the Black fantastic and politics, he unpacks what he calls the Rustinian framework (after Bayard Rustin) for understanding political life. How does Iton’s engagement with this framework produce his larger thesis on Black politics? How does it engage the question of the Black fantastic and its salience in the work of liberation?

Do an analysis of the author’s approach, effectiveness, and contribution to our knowledge. Include other books and articles that will allow you to better situate the assigned authors’ work. The main question to consider is: What is this author’s argument (or scholarly contribution) and how effective is he/she in demonstrating (or fulfilling) it?

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