Hybrid Model of Crisis (BSHS/445) SCENARIO 5:BORDERLINE

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Hybrid Model of Crisis (BSHS/445) SCENARIO 5:BORDERLINE

During a crisis intervention, you will need to put the steps of the hybrid model into action. As a team, work together to describe the process and determine where you see each aspect being completed in the video example. This video-based team assignment allows you to “shadow” the process in action.

Watch the video clip “Scenario 5: Borderline

Write a 150 words or more summary on how the hybrid model of crisis intervention is applied in this situation. Include the following in your paper: Below is my 2 parts of the team assignment Describe the hybrid model of crisis intervention and the Conclusion I have also attached the full assignment but my part is only bullet 2 and bullet 6 in 150 words or more

Link http://coursemate.cengage.com/CPReader/View/978084…

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