April 6, 2021
April 6, 2021

History essay about WW2

Paper Topic

What does Monica Sone tell us about the Japanese American experience during World War II? To what extent does her account suggest that the United States fell short of its ideals during the Second World War? Be certain to use Faragher, et al., Out of Many, Ch. 25, World War II, 1941-1945, to contextualize your analysis of Monica Sone’s book.

Your short essay must be four to five pages in length, no more and no less, double-spaced, and formatted in 11 or 12 point font. Prof. Pfeifer will grade your essay for historical argumentation, the use of supporting historical evidence, and concision and clarity of expression and style. The only permitted sources for the essay are Monica Sone, Nisei Daughter, and the course textbook, Faragher, et al., Out of Many. Do not use outside sources of any kind, including internet sources; unattributed use of such sources constitutes plagiarism and will result in a ‘0’ (no credit) for the assignment. Any words that are not your own must be placed in quotation marks. Only short quotations will be permitted.

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