History and Anthropology Title paper

you listen to it in it’s entirety.
July 3, 2021
JFK and Declaration of Independence
July 3, 2021

History and Anthropology Title paper

Please select one of the required readings from the list and write down a reading note on the selected reading, using the “Reading Note Template.”
1. Leslie Feinberg, “Transgender Liberation: A Movement Whose Time Has Come.”
2. Oyeronke Oyewumi, “Multiculturalism or Multibodism: On the Impossible Intersections of Race and Gender in the American White Feminist and Black Nationalist Discourses,” Western Journal of Black Studies, 23.3 (1999): 182-89.
3. Eric A. Stanley, “Gender Self-Determination”
4. Snipp, “The First Americans: American Indians”

Use the “reading notes” worksheet to take notes, organize, and highlight the key information and your thoughts. The major goal of taking reading notes is to articulate your understanding of the main thesis (or main argument) of the author and critically evaluate/analyze the main thesis. In order to do so, it is helpful to write down key words as well as evidence that the author has used to prove the main thesis. Please follow the instruction below.
TITLE, chapter, page numbers
1. Preliminary summary of the main argument – Having read the introductory paragraph, can you summarize what is the main argument/thesis of the author? Write in 1-3 sentences. You may need to adjust your understanding of the thesis, as you read the rest of the text.
2. Key Terms
As you read through the main text, write down 3-5 key terms & definitions pertinent to the main argument. Include page numbers and also paraphrase the definition in your own words

2. Evidence/Examples-
As you read the main text, cite important quotes & page and paragraph numbers that constitute evidence to the main argument.

3. Important details – Based on the quotes above, summarize 5 key details relevant to or supporting the main argument. Don’t forget to cite page numbers

1. Having read through the text, restate the authors main thesis here in 2-3 sentences. The main thesis is NOT mere description of the reading. It is the key argument that the author attempts to prove throughout the reading.
2. Critically evaluate the author’s main argument. Is it convincing? Why/why not? If not, what is an alternative argument?
3. How does this piece help you understand the concept of “settler colonialism” and/or “gender self-determination”?

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