Health Care: Right or Privilege? Discussion response to students

Health Care: Right or Privilege? Discussion response to students

Health Care: Right or Privilege? Discussion response to students

NSG/451: Professional Nursing Leadership Perspectives

Wk 2 Discussion – Health Care: Right or Privilege? 


Instructions: Reply substantively to at least 2 of your classmates. Be constructive and professional in your responses. Response ranges from 150 to 300 words per student.


*Karline N.


Hello class,

In the current U.S. health care system, is health care a right, not a privilege? I want to think that health care is a right; however, if you don’t have health insurance or money to pay, it’s not available to its citizens. Even the insurance company charges fees and deductibles.

MCD is only available to those below the poverty line. MCR only covers a portion of health services and medication experiences. 

Healthcare should be a human right and is as essential as the need for air, food, and water. Ultimately without healthcare, these three life necessities can be affected. Healthcare right means the government is morally obligated and responsible ensure medically necessary care, regardless of ability to pay, in all health care setting (small and large scale), is available and accessible to all, and the right to dignity and equality in health care (O’Rourke, T., 2017). Health care is essential when a person is ill/becomes ill and has a new disease onset, which will pay for treatment and preventative measures. Healthcare service and quality should correspond to the health needs of the patients (Sundler et al., 2020). Quality care is hindered when service treatments are rushed, leading to missed issues/misdiagnosing or the nurse administering insulin before checking blood sugar. 



O’Rourke, T., (2017). Lost in the Health Care Reform Discussion: Health Care as a Right or Privilege. American Journal of Health Education, 48(3), 138–141.

Sundler, A., Darcy, L., RÃ¥berus, A., & Holmström, I., (2020). Unmet health-care needs and human rights—A qualitative analysis of patients’ complaints in light of the right to health and health care. Health Expectations, 613–620. https//doi:10.1111/hex.13038



*Martha G.

In the current US health care system, health care is a privilege. Not everyone has access to healthcare. The saddest part is that so many people in the U.S. really need healthcare and simply do not have it. There are several reasons why people are not connected to healthcare, unemployment is one major reason that people of the U.S. do not have insurance or lose their health insurance.  â€Unlike most other industrial nations, many in the United States do not consider health care a right but a privilege, available only to those who can afford it, even those fortunate enough to have insurance coverage.” (O’Rourke 2017). Sadly this is a reality for too many Americans, health care is considered to be a privilege and not a right. Some people are working and simply are not making enough income to afford health insurance. Health care should be a right, every human being should have the right and access to health insurance. It should not only be for those that can afford it. If insurance is not available to those less fortunate, then there should be a system in place where the uninsured can have some sort of access to affordable or free healthcare. I for one, love my job for that reason, as we are a federally qualified health center, the governments funds us so that we can provide services to the underserved and poor communities. The following quote just about sums up my feelings exactly. ” Health care coverage does not guarantee high-quality health care. Health equity—that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible—is an issue in virtually every health care system. But without health care coverage, health equity is virtually impossible to attain.” (Bauchner et al, 2020).



Bauchner, H., & Fontanarosa, P. B. (2020). Health Care Is a Right and Not a Privilege. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association323(11), 1049.

O’Rourke, T. W. (2017). Lost in the Health Care Reform Discussion: Health Care as a Right or Privilege. American Journal of Health Education48(3), 138–141.


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