he manager of a store that specializes in selling tea decides to experiment with a new blend. she will mix…

due nov 1st
March 8, 2021
Mapping the Process of Innovation
March 8, 2021

he manager of a store that specializes in selling tea decides to experiment with a new blend. she will mix…

he manager of a store that specializes in selling tea decides to experiment with a new blend. she will mix some Earl Grey tea that sells for 6 dollars per pound with some Orange Pekoe tea that sells for 4 dollars per pound to get 400 pounds of the new blend. the selling price of the new blend is to be 5 dollars and 50 cents per pound , and there is to be no difference in revenue from selling the new blend versus selling the other types. how many pounds of Earl Grey tea and Orange Pekoe tea are required ?
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