June 3, 2021
June 3, 2021

Fradkin’s Seven States

For each of Fradkin’s Seven States, write two thoughtful paragraphs –in your own words, carefully done, and in your “best” writing. In the first paragraph, use words to describe the geography of the region. You can use some of Fradkin’s adjectives–USING QUOTES, while adding some of your own. In describing the geography of the region, you can also locate the region with its geomorphic province(s) and counties. Include in this paragraph the most defining geographical features of the region.

In your second paragraph, address the ways in which people have defined the region–which of Fradkin’s stories are most defining of the region. Fradkin characterizes each region–tell us how he characterizes the region and then whether or not you agree with him. Again, please use your own examples from reading, and your own words.

Be sure to cite any examples and quotes with CHICAGO STYLE reference notes. (you can use Purdue Owl as used in your essays)

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