Need a essay for the class, but no idea how to write it.
April 2, 2021
April 2, 2021


to access the textbook , please go to enter the book title and do this work. don’t use no internet use the book. no plagiarism please I have had so many people messing up

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password: Jayden 2015

Assignment Instructions

Assignment 5

Would you like to own an all-electric car? Do you think there is a viable market for such a product?

Provide secondary data to research the viability of selling electric cars profitably. Utilize some of the sources mentioned in chapter 10 of our e-book. Try to determine the population of electric-car buyers.

Provide a research report based on your findings.

Note: Please review my expectations for the assignment. I expect your response to include 2 or more references from the APUS Library system (failure to include such references will detract from your grade on the assignment), and be presented in APA Format. Deliverable length is a minimum of 2 body pages.

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