Find source document and discuss

The Intellectual Heritage Program The Good Life Essay
April 2, 2021
religion discussion week11 post 1 week 11 post 2
April 2, 2021

Find source document and discuss

Your paper “must” be in MLA style. If you need help, please visit:…

You must include use proper citations and include a work cited page.

1. Find a primary source document with at least 200 words of text that engages a topic presented in class, which all of them are from the book used “Racial and Ethnic Groups”

a. Discuss in 2 pages why you choose this document in relationship to a topic presented in class. Refer back to the document that you chose to create a strong argument.

2. Find a primary source document with at least 200 words of text that engages a topic presented in one of the poems from the text, “Begin with A Failed Body”.

a. Discuss in 1 page why you choose this document in relationship to a poem taken from the text. Refer back to the document that you chose to create a strong argument.

3.Write a poem (the poem does not have to be MLA style) that creatively engages with the content using the document’s original language. After writing the poem write a 1-pageresponse explaining why this knowledge is vital to remember.

Search for the two books. i have one of them but it’s too big I couldn’t upload it.

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