
April 22, 2021
Psychology Versus Pop Psychology discussion
April 22, 2021


Please read the full description before starting assignment!

I need someone to write a 1 paragraph proposal on the trickster archetype in mythology. The proposal should cover the give an overview of the the tricksters role in mythology and whether there are good and bad tricksters. This will be the basis for my final project (please see rubric for more details).

Overview: For this milestone, you will submit some preliminary sources (MLA format) and a topic proposal for your presentation to be reviewed for feasibility and validity by your instructor. This topic is not set in stone and can be adjusted as you work on your project. Below is an example posted by my professor on dying/resurrecting deity:

Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed: – Your topic proposal should be at least one paragraph, with the inclusion of a conditional thesis. Below is an example posted by my professor on dying/resurrecting deity:

“In the project, I will discuss the myths of Inanna and Osiris, both earlier examples of the dying and resurrecting deity. I will show how they are alike—both die and come back to life—and will also discuss how their myths are different. Inanna’s myth is closely related to the seasons, but Osiris’ myth is not related to the seasons. It does, though give hope to his followers that they, too, can live in Tuat, land of the dead. Inanna returns to the upper world when she is resurrected, but Osiris must stay in the land of the dead. This myth is very widespread and is found in almost all mythoi.”

– You should submit at least two sources: a primary and a secondary source. Explain why each source is important and why it relates to your chosen topic. (This can be 1–2 sentences). You will need to give a detailed reason why each source relates to the topic of tricksters.

Notes from my professor regarding sources:

Primary sources are the original works, i.e. The Enuma Elish, the Egyptian Book of Coming Forth by Day (aka The Book of the Dead,)The Iliad, Hesiod’s “Theogony,” The Popol Vuh, and The Mabinogion (Welsh) to name a few. Do not use encyclopedias, websites, or dictionaries that summarize the myths!

Secondary sources are works written about the primary sources, i.e. commentary, analysis, etc. An example of this is Joseph’s Campbell’s work on the hero motif.

If you need further clarification, visit this site: Primary vs. Secondary Sources

I also urge you to use the Shapiro Library which can be accessed in the module.

Wikipedia and are not acceptable, academic sources for college works. Also, keep in mind that sites such as Crystalinks (which catalogs myths) are also not academic, nor are personal websites published by people who are not experts in the field. Such sites as Sparks Notes, abstracts, or summaries of longer articles are also not acceptable. Encyclopedias are not college fodder, nor are dictionaries. Scholarly articles can be found via databases such as EBSCO and JSTOR, BUT make sure that the articles are full text and not abstracts. If you have questions about whether a site is reputable or not, ask me!

And some possibly helpful websites:

If you are looking for online sources, I am posting a couple of sites that might help you! Keep in mind, though, that these texts are in public domain, so the language might be a bit archaic. For example, E.A. Wallis Budge was the foremost Egyptian scholar for years, but his work was completed in in the late nineteenth/early twentieth centuries. Theories might have changed since Budge’s time, but the gist of the myths remain the same. These sites contain a lot of primary sources, but I am not sure how many secondary sources would be available.

Sacred Texts

Ancient Texts

Keep in mind that your works cited sources can (and should be) works in progress. You can continue to find sources until the project is due. I listed some print sources in the discussion area–as have some students–so peruse that list. I will add to it as more “things” come to mind AND I invite you to add your input.

KEEP IN MIND: Wikipedia,, Shmoop, encyclopedias, and dictionaries can be launching points to find other sources, but they are not suitable for college works. Neither are most personal sites (or sites such as Crystalinks), and pages that have several paragraphs are not in depth sources. They will not count in the number of required sources. The project needs to have accurate and reputable sources.

And last: when explaining why the source is important and how it is related to the topic, it is not enough to write, “This article is about the dying and resurrecting deity.” How does the source support your thesis? This is especially important for secondary sources.

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