April 30, 2021
April 30, 2021


TOPIC: How do health disparities (such as access to healthy foods/unhealthy foods or desserts, child & parent education, green spaces, safe roads, poverty environments, etc.) have an affect on a child’s likelihood of developing diabetes in their adolescence to adulthood?

SECTION OF ESSAY QUESTION THAT NEEDS TO WRITTEN: Implications for Research, Policy and Practice:

Analyze at least 2 potential implications for research, policy and/or practice (medical practice, public health education, etc.) which directly address a way to

improve the health inequity(i.e. what does the background information mean for research, policy, and practice).

—>Implications are the “So What?” section of the paper. So what this health inequity exists, why is it important? Why should we care? Why does it matter?

->Consider—What are some institutional, organizational, local, state, or national policies that directly impact the health inequity? (discuss at least one policy or practice)


  • Double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font, 1” margins, essay format (APA STYLE)
  • Less than 2 direct quotes
  • Correct grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc.
  • You must also reference Healthy People 2020 Evidence-Based Resources and one peer reviewed journal article
  • One reference must be a peer-reviewed journal article published within the past 5 years (American Journal of Public Health)
  • Governmental publications, such as the MMWR, are credible but do not qualify as peer-reviewed journal articles. Peer-reviewed journal articles are externally reviewed for accuracy and content.
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