Effective Communication With Diverse Audiences

WEEK 5 Discussion Prompt 1 Pharmacology
May 5, 2022
Personal Leadership Philosophies
May 5, 2022

Effective Communication With Diverse Audiences

Select and watch a movie that depicts difficult or different methods of communication between individuals with a disability or with other special needs.  An example of this would be the 2003 movie Radio with Cuba Gooding Jr. There are many ways to view this movie on Netflix, HBO, Amazon, etc.

First, provide a short summary of the movie, and include the background on the main characters. As discussed in the previous module, utilize person-first language to describe individuals from specialized populations (example: “child with autism,” rather than “autistic child”).

Discuss the communication difficulties or barriers between the individuals in the movie. What misunderstandings or obstacles did you observe that prevented clear communication between the characters?

Lastly, apply this information directly to healthcare. Why does communication often breakdown between healthcare providers, and patients with special needs? What circumstances from the movie could also be applied to healthcare provider and patients?

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