Math, Calculus Questions
March 8, 2021
Describe the Categorical Imperative
March 8, 2021

Due tomorrow by 6pm

Person Centered

Of the theories that we have discussed in class (or that you have read about), more than likely at least one theory has made the most sense to you, felt the most comfortable to you, and your view of human nature has been most closely aligned with the creator’s view of human nature. As you look through the multiple theoretical lenses to hone in on the one theory that may serve as the foundation for your future work with clients, you are encouraged to focus less on the strategies and techniques associated with the theory (at this point), and focus more on how the creator conceptualizes or defines human nature. As you look through that theoretical lens, how do you best explain the distress and dis-ease that people may experience in their life. 

While I will have the privilege of reading your theoretical orientation development plans, your classmates will not. For this final discussion board, please respond to the following:

1. Identify and discuss the theory with which you most identify. In your discussion, address what resonates with you most.

2. Discuss aspects of the theory that are least attractive to you.

3. Read the case below and apply your preferred theory to Ms. A’s case. Specifically, how would you conceptualize or describe Ms. A’s presenting problem(s) if looking through the theoretical lens of your preferred theory?

4.What, if any, additional information would a theorist who practices from your theoretical framework need or want to know about Ms. A to help him or her better understand Ms. A’s current situation?

Referral Information 

Ms. A is a 48-year old, married female from the mid-west. She lives in the suburbs of a large metropolitan city, about 800 miles from her hometown. She called your office to schedule an appointment and is a self-referral. She said that it took her 8 months to finally realize that she was at a point where she needed professional help. She describes feeling stuck, and not knowing how to “get from under” whatever is holding her down. She lost her mother to cancer three months ago and describes this as a difficult time. She reports that even prior to her mother’s death she experienced little satisfaction in life, and gained 50 pounds in the past year. She describes feeling like she is always running, on the go, but feels like she is running in circles because she’s not making any progress in the areas in which she would like to see changes. 

Ms. A has a master’s degree in business (MBA), and has a full-time job as a government contractor. She describes her work as “unrewarding” but says it is “okay” for now because she appreciates her six-figure salary. She is also a part-time real estate agent and says that doing real estate takes up all of her free time in the evenings and on the weekends. She does not get to spend much time with her husband and friends, and she said she misses her husband, even though they live in the same hous. She misses the close connections she previously had to her church, her friends, her community, and her large extended family. She indicated that would really like to stop doing real estate because it is extremely time consuming, but every time she tries to quit she gets more referrals. She is currently working with 7 clients who are looking for homes. She described the business as so hectic that sometimes she calls in sick to her full-time job so that she can be available to take clients out to see homes and handle paperwork. Ms. A said she is also taking a class online to become a notary. Once she quits real estate as an agent, she said that she would like to serve as a notary at closings and settlements. Lately, some of Ms. A’s real estate clients have complained about her lack of availability. During her recent evaluation at work her boss gave her “Needs Improvement” in the areas of attendance and accuracy of her work. Ms. A’s husband has also made comments about her busy schedule and told her that it feels like they’re just roommates. Ms. A admits that she hasn’t been “on top of her game” like she used to be.

Ms. A lost her mother to cancer approximately three months ago. She described her relationship with her mother as “good” and described feeling empty and numb as a result of her loss. She has one younger brother who is on dialysis and in need of a kidney transplant. He was her mother’s primary caretaker. She described their relationship as “great” up until about  four years ago when her mom got sick and when he got sick. They had an argument about her mom that turned physical and they barely spoke over the past four years. Ms. A said they seemed to have reconciled in the months just leading up to her mother’s death. She said that she can’t imagine life without him and she tries not to think about his illness. Her parents divorced when she was young and her father has always been an integral part of her life. She describes her dad as someone she could always depend on throughout her life, emotionally and financially. Growing up she describes her dad was the stable one in her life. Her mom and dad’s financial situations were completely different. She helped her mom financially over the years and paid several of her bills in the last four years. Her dad visits she and her husband at least once a year. Ms. A is the oldest of more than 25 grandchildren and has a lot of cousins and great cousins. She acknowledges not being as “connected” with the family as she used to be.

Lastly, Ms. A said she is struggling to come to grips with the fact that she will not have a baby. Despite what people say about their age, her husband is 53, they got married with the intent of having a baby. She reported that she has visited a fertility doctor, gone to acupuncture, and taken medication to help with her fertility, but nothing has worked. She said it “hurts to see people with their babies and kids. I always thought it would be me.”

Ms. A suffered from seizures for approximately two years but has been seizure free for the last year. She said the doctors cannot say why the seizures started but she says the medication is working. She also reports excessive eczema that results in terribly bad outbreaks when she gets stressed. Recently she reports serious bouts with eczema.

As you prepare your response:

1. Be sure to thoroughly address each component of the discussion topic (1-4 above)

2. Limit your response to no more than four well crafted paragraphs

3. Proofread, edit, and correct any grammar, spelling, or syntax errors before your post your response

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